What we do in our community:
Pastoral Visits
A Pastoral Care team visits parishioners – those who attend church regularly and those who come less often.
This is to maintain connections with people who may one day need to find their way back.
Twinkle Toes
A lively music and movement programme for pre-school children, held on Friday mornings during the primary school term.
Men’s Get Together
A social group which includes men in the church and house-husbands (these are kept busy on Sunday mornings looking after the house). They meet in a cafe on Friday mornings for a chat and a cuppa.
Women’s Get Together
Not to be outdone by the men, the women also meeting in a cafe for a chat and a cuppa – on Tuesday mornings. >
City Mission – Whanganui Christian Social Services
Each Sunday food and other grocery items are given as an offering to support the City Mission food bank. Volunteers from the parish help in the food bank. As a member church the parish supports Whanganui Christian Social Services financially and by nominating a candidate to serve on its board.
Zest for Mission Shop – 163 Victoria Avenue, Whanganui
This shop is a source of ongoing funding for the work of the City Mission. The team of volunteer staff includes some of our parish members. We are always seeking donations of saleable household items so please remember Zest at any time when space gets tight or you are having a clear-out. Telephone 345-2139 for pick-up.
A.P.W. (All People Welcome)
The A.P.W. meets on the second Tuesday of each month in the Brechin Lounge at 1.30pm in the church. They have a wide variety of speakers from the community who present interesting topics. It supports many projects through its fundraising endeavours. Members also knit many garments for babies and toddlers which are given to community groups both in Whanganui and elsewhere.